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Check out our class offering for the rest of the season !!

Veggie Gardening Class : Part I
Come have an open style class with Grace while we discuss the basics of growing your own food ! In addition, this first class will serve to build a foundation for what you're looking to accomplish with your garden. This class is intended for teenagers/adults. 
Saturday September 14
3pm - 4pm

Intro to Dahlias Class
Are you a huge fan of dahlias and want to start growing your own ? Come understand the basics of dahlias : from seed .vs. tuber to their unique genetics. You'll also get the chance to take home some seeds from the crop we'll be examining :) This class is intended for teenagers/adults. 
Saturday September 28
3pm - 4pm

Collecting Your Own Seeds Class
Wander through a mixed flower/vegetable garden and collect your choice of seeds ! In the process, we will discuss how seeds produce differently among different plants. Open to all ages :)
Wednesday October 16
Saturday October 19
3:30pm - 4:15pm

Register Here !!
Have any suggestions on future classes you'd like to be a part of ? Email Grace : gcmiller121@gmail.com